An Overview of Waterproofing World-Class Stadiums: Maintenance, Restoration, and Repair

Waterproofing world-class stadiums and stadium structural maintenance management make up crucial components that ensure the safety of fans, players, and employees. Stadium structures consist of concrete and steel, constantly exposed to the elements and high traffic. These factors can compromise structural integrity, requiring stadium maintenance, restoration, and repair. 

Everything from the stadium roof structure to the support beams to the flooring needs careful maintenance and upkeep. According to“Over the five years to 2021, demand for the Sports Stadium Construction industry improved, as funding for industry projects increased in light of the recovering economy. Industry operators build, renovate and maintain sports stadiums, arenas and fields. Increasing incomes have caused government tax receipts to grow, leading to higher funding for educational and commercial institutions.”

The report noted, “Moreover, the economic recovery has also caused sports franchise industry revenue to grow, which when combined with growing public funds, caused demand for large professional sports stadiums to rise as well. Therefore, industry revenue is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 1.7% to $12.3 billion over the five years.” This growth puts an even greater demand on the maintenance of stadium structures. 

The longevity of your facility requires a regular, consistent maintenance plan that is tailored to your building and includes all of the numerous factors that play into the stadium’s life expectancy. Below are some tips on maintaining and waterproofing world-class stadiums to help reduce the need for frequent repairs and reconstruction.

Why Waterproofing Is Vital for Stadium Maintenance and Building Upkeep

Waterproofing world-class stadiums are vital for stadium maintenance as it protects the structure’s longevity. The stadium roof structure covers and protects everything under it and within the building itself. Without proper waterproofing, corrosion, movement, and constant exposure to fluctuating temperatures can cause the structure to fracture as water can seep into these areas and cause structural damage.   

Stadium Maintenance and Upkeep Considerations to Keep in Mind

There are several maintenance considerations to consider when maintaining and repairing a stadium structure. Below are a few suggestions.

  • Water Leaks: Water leaks can cause severe issues with structural decay. It is critical to address leaks as soon as possible and find the problem’s source. 
  • Expansion Joint Systems: Joints allow flexibility and are crucial to the stadium. Routine inspection is critical to increasing the longevity of the structure.
  • Waterproofing Systems: Ensure that all waterproofing implements are doing their job. Waterproofing world-class stadiums are vital to prevent corrosion and cracking.
  • Structural Repairs Concrete Restoration And Repair: When addressed promptly, concrete restoration and repairs will aid in preventing failures and structural defects.

Maintaining routine waterproofing care and maintenance can make it easier for facility managers and crews to keep a safe and operational stadium in good working order.

How Waterproofing Services Extend the Life of Stadiums and Improve Cost-Effectiveness of Maintenance

Waterproofing world-class stadiums and stadium roof structures will extend the life of the components within the design and improve the overall cost-effectiveness of future maintenance. Waterproofing allows for flexibility in the natural movement of the stadium. The waterproofed joints and surfaces maximize the safety, especially in high traffic and heavy load areas. It increases durability while providing low maintenance and easy cleaning of the surfaces. Waterproofing world-class stadiums also provide non-slip protection to ensure the safety of spectators and employees. 

Get the Most Out of Your Stadium Maintenance, Restoration, and Repair Work by Partnering With The JOBS Group

With the increased usage of stadiums, it is vital to protect the safety of fans, players, and personnel by waterproofing world-class stadiums and routinely maintaining the system’s integrity. Avoid the headache of major repairs and complete remodel projects by implementing these suggestions for maintenance, upkeep, and waterproofing. Partner with The A1orange Group for your custom stadium waterproofing plan!

5 Things to Look for in Building Waterproofing Services

Facilities and building managers or owners have many vital roles they must fill and tasks they must perform.  One of the most critical is damage inspection and repair work that focuses on the building’s exterior structure. Most of the primary building systems vital to daily operations, such as HVAC, plumbing, and electrical, hardly go neglected. However, the building’s outer shell also needs some attention. Carefully planned exterior maintenance and building waterproofing services can help managers avoid costly repairs, severe safety issues, and other building maintenance challenges. To get the best possible results from waterproofing services, a few key points need careful consideration.

Regularly Inspect the Building Exterior for Signs of Waterproofing Membrane Damage

Keeping up with building waterproofing services and maintenance are among the most cost-effective ways to extend the lifespan of a building’s shell. By developing and adhering to a throughout maintenance plan, it becomes easier to protect the safety, integrity, and appearance of roofs, walls, foundations, and other vital components of any building. Maintaining a waterproof membrane around the building is the first line of defense against water intrusion damage and should not be overlooked or ignored by building managers and operators. Regular inspections and maintenance help ensure the water-resistant seal remains unbroken for as long as possible. 

Waterproofing Is Never a One-Size-Fits-All Solution

The greatest challenge in waterproofing a commercial building is knowing what systems, products, and services are most suitable. Every building is different, and every environmental need is different. An individually designed and implemented building waterproofing services plan is critical for long-term protection. From the roof to the windows to the drainage system, exterior maintenance must be customized to be truly effective. Investing in a professional, tailor-made system and customized building services will more than pay for itself.

Not All Building Waterproofing Services Are Created Equally

While the idea that every building needs a customized waterproofing plan seems obvious, it is also important to remember no two service providers are the same. Building managers must take the time to carefully vet those that they bring in to handle the various waterproofing services required.  According to Grainger, many professional properties are in some way maintained and repaired by outsourced professionals. It becomes much easier to ensure all buildings are always up to code with professional assistance. Additionally, any minor problems get addressed sooner rather than later, so the waterproof seal remains intact. 

Waterproofing Is a Multi-Tiered Process That Includes Repeat Visits for Destructive Testing

Establishing and maintaining a waterproof envelope is not a one-step process and often needs repeat touch-ups and resealing to maintain that strong water barrier. Multiple steps and services will be involved, along with maintenance, inspection, testing, and follow-ups. The final step to any waterproofing sealing process should be a thorough round of destructive testing to ensure proper curing and sealing through weather or environmental hazards. Keeping up with long-term building waterproofing services, maintenance, and repairs will provide continued protection against water intrusion damage down the road, no matter what environmental factors nature cooks up. It is a small investment that will pay significant dividends in the long run.

Time Is Money, and Attention in Waterproofing Will Pay Dividends to Reduced TCO

Water intrusion through windows, doors, and roofs is among the most common and most damaging commercial and industrial property owners face. These issues can lead to unsafe and unstable conditions and should never be ignored or put off, no matter how tempting it might be to reduce costs by delaying repair and maintenance work. Building waterproofing service issues can lead to problems like a flooded basement or rampant mold growth, or damage to interior supports and electronics, which will cost even more to resolve. Considering the costs of waterproofing, associated maintenance and repairs altogether is an integral part of controlling TCO. Facilities managers must take steps to either repair damage or prevent minor issues from morphing into significant problems in the first place.

Choose the Right Waterproofing Service Provider by Partnering With The JOBS Group

When it’s warranted, hiring an experienced professional to help with any monitoring, inspections, or maintenance is a wise investment to make into the longevity of any commercial building. Building waterproofing services are vital for protecting the exterior and interior integrity of any commercial or industrial building. Make the smart choice today and partner with the experts who can help maintain a waterproof envelope effectively with professional building maintenance services. Connect with The A1orange Group to learn more today.

What is Cement, Concrete & Chemical Grouting and its Role in Building Waterproofing?

After finding cracks and leaks within a building, taking the proper steps to save the structure and costs is critical. When companies begin to look into waterproofing services to ensure the concrete strength of the building, questions may arise like what is chemical grouting? What does pressure chemical grouting have to do with the process? Knowing the background of waterproofing and what the service pertains to will help you choose the best company for the job. Understanding the differences between cement, concrete, and chemical grouting, and knowing the importance of grouting and what to expect in building waterproofing services, can provide insight that will help you save the structure of any building. 

What Is Cement, Concrete, and Chemical Grouting?

When a structure requires concrete restoration, grouting can be used to repair concrete cracks, fill seams and gaps in tiles, gaps for sealing and waterproofing, and for soil stabilization. Cement grouting with pressure is injected to fill voids or fractures in the soil, rock unit, or concrete structure. Looking at the chemical grouting specifications, the chemical grouting transforms granular soils into sandstone-like masses by filling the voids with low viscosity, non-particulate grout. An example TunnelingOnline uses to describe when to use chemical or cement grout, “For example, Portland and ultrafine cement grouts are predominantly used to stabilize soil and/or control water in civil projects, including earthen dams, levees, mines, tunnels, subways, vertical shafts, below-ground structures or waste encapsulation. These types of large-scale projects will often require significant volumes of grout to be injected. Chemical grouts will often complement the cement-type grouts and in some cases will be the predominant grout used for a particular situation.” 

Why Grouting Is Important to Maintaining the Whole Building Envelope

Once the building envelope has obtained moisture, waterproofing must become a priority for building owners and managers. Having a preventative approach can save money in the long run to avoid a full-scale removal and replacement. It is important to take important steps to mitigate the problems early. For example, every five to eight years, have the building’s waterproofing service redone. 

Grouting offers several advantages:

  • Grouting does not induce vibration, which can be controlled to avoid structural damage.
  • Grouting can help control seepage, groundwater flow, and hazardous waste materials.
  • Pointing out areas for repair and periodic check-ups, which can help with budget planning.
  • Grouting and keeping up with inspections positions owners to plan capital expenditures effectively. 
  • Grouting can resolve the issues of cracks and stains, rather than just painting over the real problem. 

According to GrandviewResearch, “The building structures application segment is expected to expand at the fastest growth rate of 8.4%, in terms of revenue, over the forecast period. The growth is attributed due to its high application in building to improve the shelf life and protection at varying temperatures.” This segment indicates the importance of prioritizing the structure of the building and using waterproofing now rather than later as the market becomes more expensive. 

Common Causes of Grouting Failure

Waterproofing can save the structure of a building and preserve its value, but what happens when poor waterproofing service occurs? Taking the time to do a water leak investigation can help identify where the critical issues lie. Any issues in waterproofing may happen due to:

  • Issues from higher levels: In multi-level buildings, the higher floors may be more susceptible to waterproofing issues. For example, the top floors can experience problems with puddles forming on the roof from rainwater. Flat roofs especially frequently collect excessive rain that can lead to leaks and eventually damage to the structure of the building. On higher floors, poor workmanship with plumbing can also lead to waterproofing failures.
  • Poor waterproofing work: Incorrect installation or poor workmanship of waterproofing can cause issues. Places that are trickier, such as balconies and windows, require professional waterproofing services. Additionally, wrong product specifications can result in insufficient substrate preparation, meaning the preparation before the waterproofing membrane was incorrect.
  • Lack of maintenance: Continuing to check waterproofing areas on a regular basis will help identify any problems early, avoiding significant issues like concrete cancer. Tiny leaks, cracks, and stains should be a priority for immediate remedial steps.. Maintaining seals on windows, doors, wall systems, balconies, and roofs can provide time to formulate a proactive approach that decreases the risk of a developing issue. 
  •  Incorrect waterproofing membrane: Make sure to choose a waterproofing system that includes a sheet membrane with all the ancillaries. Also, consider the flexibility of the membrane to allow building movements and to resist UV rays, chemicals, harsh salt air, and in some situations root penetration.

Poor waterproofing can fail, leading to cracks, mold issues, and structural defects that can have a high price tag to fix. Additionally, poor waterproofing can cause safety issues, significantly reduce the property value, and lead to unfitness for occupation. Partnering with a waterproofing and sealant services provider that ensures optimal solutions can remedy the problem. 

What to Expect in Grouting Maintenance

To obtain a great remedial waterproofing outcome from grouting, find a professional you can trust. Taking important steps to having frequent updates on the structure of the building can save costs down the road. Here are a few steps to take to ensure the proper maintenance that will reduce the risk of bigger issues:

  • Perform an annual or biannual walkthrough to examine the overall condition of the exterior wall system.
  • Remove or replace sealants that appear to be torn, deteriorated, or inelastic.
  • Remove plant growth that can contribute to moisture penetration or deterioration of any brickwork.
  • Install remedial anchors and ties in accordance with manufacturer recommendations.
  • Repoint with prehydrated mortar, mixed drier than conventional masonry work.
  • When repairing mortar joints, surface grout hairline cracks and repoint damaged or deteriorating mortar joints.

Paying attention to the maintenance of the building, never dismissing cracks, and taking notice of any visual discrepancies like water damage can preserve the building. Maintenance and performing minor repairs can help avoid replacement and the need for drastic projects.

How to Pick the Right Waterproofing Service

To prevent a water problem and resolve issues associated with a faulty structure, a good waterproofing company can help. According to VentsMagazine, “Water damages can lead to massive problems in the building’s appearance and structure. It will affect the building surface and also lead to security and health issues for the members inhabiting the building.” Upon deciding to waterproof, the next important factor is finding a partner you can trust A few tips to help pick the best company for building maintenance services can include:

  • Ensure the company has the proper paperwork and permits for the job, such as insurance, bonding, or licenses. Bonding will ensure the costs of any risks or accidents will be covered.
  • Find a company that specializes in waterproofing structures.  
  • Ensure the company has the necessary infrastructure to complete the job. This will help ensure quality and reliability.
  • Hire an experienced company, one that has a documented history of success.
  • Due diligence should extend to reading online reviews of the company. This can help you eliminate companies that have a less-than-stellar reputation.

Properly protecting a building from different kinds of water damages, such as leaks, moisture, and rain, can help retain its structural integrity and value. Without waterproofing, the foundation of the structure may suffer and force cracks and joints to become bigger. Stay up to date regarding local building codes and reviews of companies, especially for high-rise buildings, and preserve the time spent on designing, planning, and building the structure.

Guarantee Building Integrity With Expertise in Building Waterproofing. 

Having more concrete background knowledge on waterproofing and the aspects of the service can help you make an informed decision when choosing the best company to trust. Waterproofing failure can have a drastic impact on a building’s safety and value but it does not have to. Following the tips above and keeping a close eye on the maintenance of the building can lead to fewer long-term damages. To keep water leaks and other potentially costly issues from happening, enlist the professional waterproofing and sealing services offered by the A1Orange Group.