John (JD) McGrath
John (JD) McGrath joined Valcourt in 2021 through the acquisition of Scottie’s Building Services, moving into his current role as Regional Vice President over the Valcourt Group’s Southeast Window Cleaning region. JD joined Scottie’s full-time in 2010 as a window cleaning technician. From there, he worked a number of roles within the business, including Assistant Operations Manager, Operations Manager, Business Development Manager, Sales Manager, and Managing Partner, before becoming President of Scottie’s in 2020. In his current role as RVP, JD is responsible for the region’s performance, sales delivery, and execution of growth initiatives. He credits Valcourt’s success to three things: industry leading safety, excellent client experience, and cultivating a culture in which employees can grow and thrive. His favorite part of the job is that we always have a solution for our clients, no matter how unique or creative we need to be. He currently lives in Holly Springs, NC with his wife and daughters and enjoys playing golf and hockey in his free time.