Making Christmas Brighter for All Children!
Supporting the Salvation Army at Christmas is an A1 Orange Tradition That Goes Back 60+ Years!
This is the 13th year that A1 Orange has encouraged friends and business partners to participate in The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program. Each Christmas season, The Salvation Army identifies deserving children, and then makes these “Angels” available for adoption through groups such as A1 Orange. Given the enthusiastic response last year and the ever increasing list of children, we’ve committed to 100 Angels from the Orlando, Jacksonville and Tampa areas, We’ve already got close to 70 Angels adopted – but we are looking for a few more donors!
A1 Orange and the Couture family’s involvement with The Salvation Army’s Christmas work goes back 60+ years! Georgia Couture, A1 President Vickie Head’s grandmother, sewed and dressed 100 baby dolls for many years. Later, Jacque and his family all volunteered ringing bells and helping in different ways. Then, A1 Orange friends and business partners began sponsoring Angels in honor of Vickie’s parents.
How does the Angel Tree program work? The Salvation Army identifies the children and asks the parents or guardians what gifts they may want and any clothing items/sizes that are needed. The Salvation Army sends us an “Angel card” for each child, with the child’s first name and this information. As a sponsor, you have two choices:
- Purchase the requested items yourself. You select the items with your Angel in mind – at whatever budget level you wish. Most people purchase a toy for each child as well as an outfit or requested clothing item, pajamas, underwear, shoes and socks. There is no set dollar amount, but the average is $75/100+ per child. (Bargain shoppers may do better!) Return items to A1 Orange offices by December deadline – tba.
- Make a Donation & We’ll Do the Shopping for You! Purchasing gifts and clothing for one Angel costs about $100, but your donation can be in any amount, and we’ll purchase items from the Christmas list items for Angels with your donation. Send a check with “Angels” in the memo area or enclose a sticky or note with your check.
If you choose to shop for your Angel’s gifts, you’ll get an “Angel Card” for each child you adopt, including the child’s first name, gender, age and sizes, in early November. Most There is no set amount, but the average is $75/100+ per child. (Bargain shoppers may do better!)
How do you sign up or get more info? Email Brenda Dost, telling us how many Angels you want and any preference regarding boy/girl, age, etc.. Requests are filled on a first come-first served basis. You can also call Brenda at (800) 874-6207 to learn more.
Gifts are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE. Please keep your receipts and attach them to a copy of your Angel Card(s) to submit with your taxes.