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How to Reduce Costs When Building Management Needs Arise

High maintenance, restoration, and repair expenses affect the profitability of a building and company. Keeping these costs to a minimum is ideal but is necessary to maintain a profitable business. Working to reduce these costs with building management systems and building energy management is vital. A reactive approach to building repairs and maintenance can result in excess spending and expenses. Investing in a proactive approach will change the game and reduce structural deterioration

1. Work to Eliminate Reactive, Unplanned Maintenance Backlogs

It might be tempting to put minor main concerns on the backburner when it comes to building repairs and maintenance, such as commercial glass restoration. However, this is never the best route to take. Ignoring, what appears to be minor issues, can lead to much more severe problems down the road. Before these problems become an emergency in building management systems, address them immediately. 

It’s impossible to avoid all emergency maintenance, but having a proactive maintenance plan in place will help alleviate a lot of the stress that comes with urgent and emergency facilities maintenance and repairs. Such a plan must include clearly defined procedures, checklists, and building management sensors to ensure that after-hours emergency maintenance goes as smoothly and swiftly as possible. 

2. Use Digital Building Management Tools to Understand Your Maintenance Schedule

Multiple digital and technological tools are available to facility managers and building management systems. Accessing and implementing these tools, including building management sensors, is a game-changer in understanding a maintenance schedule. Technology intelligent building management solutions streamline tasks. Applications, systems, and software provide a control point for building repairs and maintenance. 

Work smarter, not harder. Digital tools will make a project manager’s job simpler, boost the project’s productivity, and improve efficiency. Additionally, it helps to minimize cost overruns. These tools help keep maintenance on schedule and avoid unnecessary expenses. To properly plan, monitor, and carry out building management systems and maximize company operations, ensure facility management uses digital building management tools.  

3. Conduct Regular Inspections and Testing of Core Building Systems, Including the Building Envelope

Regular inspections and testing of the main components of building repairs and maintenance are vital in protecting and maintaining the longevity of all systems and structural integrity. Facility managers should schedule routine inspections of building management systems to stay updated regarding each moving part’s condition,  productivity, and efficiency. The interior of the building is not the only part that needs to be routinely checked. The plaza deck systems, waterproofing, and building envelope are exterior features that need frequent testing. They are possibly even more crucial as these features protect the entire interior and its components.

4. Educate Tenants and Building Maintenance Teams on How to Recognize Signs of Problems

Educating tenants and maintenance teams are vital for building management systems. All parties involved must receive education and training to help them understand possible dangers and the steps to ensure the building’s safe and effective environment.

Teaching occupations and staff what to look for is critical in building repairs and maintenance, such as failed bird proofing. Some ways to communicate this to tenants are distributing newsletters with information, maintenance tips, and building safety solutions, or even posting in frequented areas such as an elevator cab interior. Train staff and maintenance teams with clear communication and warning signs to look out for. For emergencies, ensure clear communication, assigned control points and duties, alarms, and a clear evacuation plan if needed. 

5. Set a Clear Procedure for Reporting and Submitting Work  Orders 

A process is typically ignored or avoided if it is complicated or not easily accessible. Creating a straightforward way for tenants and occupants to report and submit work orders for building repairs and maintenance improves the likelihood that the issue is raised and dealt with promptly. Streamline this process with the available intelligent building management solutions, technology, and software for facilities management and building management systems.

6. Properly Train In-House or Outsourced Staff on the Use of Your Building Safety Systems

In-house and outsourced staff must be adequately trained with the appropriate building safety systems and intelligent building management solutions. Each building has unique needs and requirements, and teams must be trained accordingly. Know the local, state, and federal guidelines for required training and safety. Building management systems must have documented safety regulations and adequately communicate them to all employees, team members, and contractors involved in building repairs and maintenance. Everyone has a responsibility and must be informed of their duties and expectations. Another critical tip to remember is to retrain as necessary. 

7. Don’t Forget to Perform Regular Maintenance on Your Assets Used for Maintenance, Such as Scaffolding and Window Washing Equipment

Typically when thinking about maintenance needs and building safety solutions, the building itself and its appliances, such as the HVAC system, come to mind. Things that easily slip through the cracks are assets used for maintenance solutions. These items can include scaffolding and window washing equipment. Ensuring this gear and all assets are in tip-top shape and are routinely maintained is just as vital as the maintenance of the building. The safety of the crew and personnel is at stake, and it is mandatory to take all appropriate actions to ensure security is maintained. 

8. Communicate Maintenance Expectations Clearly and Concisely

Managers should clearly communicate all expectations to achieve the desired results. The facility’s staff and third-party vendors must be fully aware of all rules and safety and maintenance regulations. Everybody has a responsibility, and they should receive appropriate and concise training and communication on the obligations and standards that go along with it.

9. Have a Pre-Vetted Field Service Vendor Network

The right service partner and building management systems provide a pre-vetted list of vendors and building repairs and maintenance services.  If one resource is not immediately accessible,  building management systems should have access to a strong network of professionals who could do the task. Having a backup plan is necessary when it comes to intelligent building management solutions

All vendors are pre-vetted and handle maintenance situations professionally and competently. Using their network of on-call vendors, facilities managers manage the on-demand building maintenance services while quickly recognizing issues, responding, and resolving emergency maintenance as soon as feasible.

10. Eliminate the Hassle of Paying Multiple Vendors With a Single Point of Contact

A single point of contact limits any confusion with communication and payment. It allows building management systems to remain organized and streamlined and increases customer satisfaction. 

Intelligent building management solutions run much smoother when communicating and paying one vendor versus multiple vendors. Relieve the stress of the back and forth communication and get everything under one roof. 

11. Consider Retrofitting Simple Assets With Energy-Management Resources

Retrofitting simple assets can be cost-efficient to improve energy management resources in building management systems. It can improve the building’s energy management and sustainability, lower energy costs, and reduce the carbon footprint of the structure and business. 

Simple things such as adding a greenscape on the commercial plaza deck, changing out light bulbs, or switching from landscaping to xeriscaping are some ideas to retrofit a current building. 

12. Know Your Energy Use Trends

Knowing a building’s energy usage trends is vital in reducing costs. This information allows building energy management to understand where spending is occurring, how much, and how often usage is happening. This data is beneficial when budgeting, knowing where to cut back, and deciphering which appliances or equipment need upgrading to be more economical and efficient. 

13. Consider a Full Building-Wide Retrofit 

A complete building-wide retrofit has proven to improve the building and the energy usage, the overall satisfaction of employees and personnel, and the ROI. This includes but is not limited to smart energy, insulation, creating a “smart” building, and creating a green space.

A report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) states that :

“Building owners who complete a large-scale efficiency overhaul of their property through a deep retrofit can increase the asset value of their property, allowing them to charge higher rents, attract quality tenants, and reduce tenant turnover (Pearce, Dearth, and Schantz 2018). Because comprehensive retrofits include multiple measures across building systems, they can deliver several benefits simultaneously.” 

Further, there are many benefits to retrofitting an office. Some examples are:

  • Lower maintenance costs – Reduced 9.0–14%
  • Occupant satisfaction – Increased 27–76%
  • Rental premium – Increased 2.1–17%
  • Occupant premium – Increased 3.14–18%
  • Property sale price – Increased 11.1–26%
  • More productive employees – Increased 1.0–10%
  • Sick employee days – Reduced 0–40%

These results in intelligent building management solutions are significant. The changes have shown that it not only increased maintenance costs but also improved employee morale and occupants’ satisfaction. Retrofitting a building provides value to facilities that it did not have before. 

Choose The JOBS Group to Streamline All Building Management and Unplanned or Planned Maintenance Needs

High operating and maintenance costs can significantly impact a building’s overall profitability. With intelligent building management solutions, it is vital to keep expenditures as low as possible. A professional building management systems and building energy management service provides preventative maintenance checklists, proactive planning, energy tracking, and all retrofitting needs. Contact The A1orange Group today!

Tips for Better Urgent and Emergency Facilities Maintenance & Repairs

Facility managers play a vital role in building emergency maintenance service management. Facilities managers are the control point for all maintenance, restoration, and repair concerns, including emergency maintenance. Therefore, they must be able to communicate and allocate resources effectively and as quickly as possible during building maintenance emergency scenarios. 

Emergency maintenance services include critical elevator cab concerns, water leaks, flooding concerns, and safety features. With preparation and professionalism, facility managers can handle emergency repairs swiftly without affecting the business flow and its occupants. 

As the facilities management industry continues to grow, facility managers’ jobs are expanding to include more duties and skill sets, including emergency maintenance service. In addition, the physical environment of buildings is becoming more crucial to how modern society conducts business, enjoys entertainment, and enjoys lifestyles leading to increased facilities management budgets, which means managers have a more significant influence. But first, it’s essential to understand what urgent maintenance truly is and how it differs from standard maintenance.

What Constitutes a Maintenance Emergency?

How often do you think about the answer to, “what is emergency maintenance?” Emergency maintenance is a repair that occurs on an as-needed basis and requires immediate attention. An emergency repair must be made immediately when a piece of machinery or the structural integrity is in jeopardy, causing an emergency maintenance concern. Emergency repairs can happen at any moment and need a fast response as they could pose a danger or safety hazard to building occupants and staff. Some building maintenance emergency circumstances can cause a complete shutdown or even an evacuation, which can cause a loss of product and profit for business owners while also affecting the safety and health of patrons. Therefore, the longevity of the building is dependent upon prompt and effective responses to emergency maintenance and emergency maintenance service

After-hours emergency maintenance and facilities management is an undisputed necessity for building owners. Fortune Business Insights states that “the global facility management market is projected to grow from $1,260.36 billion in 2022 to $1,856.44 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 5.7% in the forecast period…The global facility management market is projected to grow from $1,260.36 billion in 2022 to $1,856.44 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 5.7% in the forecast period”. 

When unanticipated emergency maintenance occurs in a building, a reliable professional must repair it swiftly and affordably. However, most contractors are neither prepared nor created to tackle all the emergency maintenance demands during a building maintenance emergency. Seek a professional with an entire staff that assists building owners and property managers with critical and urgent emergency repairs.

Work with industry leaders that create and implement proactive and preventative maintenance that will inevitably increase building value by keeping it in tip-top shape. Implementing planned maintenance will help prevent future fixes, problems, and emergency maintenance. Below are upkeep practices and maintenance tips to remember to reduce the cost and frequency of emergency repairs and maintenance needs:

1. Address Issues When First Detected to Ensure Timely Response and to Reduce Further Risks

Routine and emergency maintenance issues can be detrimental if not addressed promptly. Putting off minor leaks, commercial glass restoration, loose floor tiles, and other repairs can be tempting. Still, these minor issues can quickly grow, leading to emergency repairs and even safety issues when ignored. 

Repairs should be dealt with as soon as possible before they become emergency repairs and become more severe by producing additional risks to the building and its occupants. For example, a leaking outdoor faucet does not seem like a deal. Still, suppose a water leak is ignored for a long time or goes undetected. In that case, it will cause after-hours emergency maintenance, incurring extensive damage and costing thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Response time is vital. A safe and effective maintenance plan must be adequate to lower risk and maintain satisfaction. Using qualified and after-hours emergency maintenance specialists available around the clock for emergency repairs is a game-changer for facility management.

2. Define What Constitutes an Emergency and Who to Contact. 

What is a maintenance emergency? Who is in charge of an emergency maintenance situation? Facility management teams should answer these questions and implement a plan. Ensure all parties in an authoritative position know what plan to implement, what constitutes an emergency maintenance concern, who to contact, and the difference between emergency repairs and routine maintenance. 

Choose the appropriate leaders for after-hours emergency maintenance situations. Defined roles enable decisive and quick-thinking action. Share your emergency plan with others. Inform those in positions of authority and those with specific duties. Make the simplest, most straightforward after-hours emergency maintenance plan available to staff. 

What is a maintenance emergency? In a June 2022 event in Wicker Park, Illinois, part of a building’s facade fell on a woman after authorities warned the owner to make repairs weeks earlier. According to CBSNews.com, The Department of Buildings contacted the building owner and told them to ”immediately put up a heavy-duty canopy on the public way around the front of the buildings, get a licensed structural engineer to assess the building façade, [and], get a licensed masonry contractor to make emergency repairs.” Also, the same article states, “While the heavy-duty canopy was put in place, the owner did not make any repairs.”

While this building owner may not have viewed this as an emergency maintenance issue, it resulted in the critical injury of an innocent passerby due to the delay in response to this after-hours emergency maintenance. 

3. Weigh Options and Determine the Best Course of Action

Consider all available options when an emergency maintenance issue arises. Look at the best opportunity to reduce the impact of the emergency repair on other components and implement the best course of action and next step to address the situation. 

A clearly defined plan, operating procedures, and proactive checklist will help ensure after-hours emergency maintenance have as few hiccups as possible, allowing business to proceed as usual and as quickly as possible. 

4. Have a Team of On-Call Field Service Vendors Ready for Urgent or Emergency Maintenance. 

An emergency maintenance service provider guarantees that emergency repairs are met with professionalism and competence. Facilities managers can handle the demanding nature of their work while cross-identifying problems, responding fast, and resolving emergency maintenance as soon as possible by accessing their network of on-call vendors available for emergency maintenance.

According to Landport X1, “the 3 AM wake-up call is often a reality for facility managers. Only 6% of companies have a well-established maintenance department. Yet maintenance issues threaten the very existence of a business.” An expert emergency maintenance partner has a network of contacts that assists with immediate and on-demand emergency repairs

An emergency maintenance service provider with a well-established network can contact multiple resources if one is not readily available. A partner for commercial building maintenance takes the pressure off the building and business owners, allowing them to concentrate on business-oriented tasks. 

If a network of after-hours emergency maintenance vendors is not available, a Plan B must be implemented. Planning and preparing as much as possible is vital. Have a list of preferred vendors to contact when an emergency repair arises. Ensure that a dedicated team is assigned ahead of time in charge of a building maintenance emergency

5. Check Prior Emergency Routes and Evacuations and Follow Predetermined Plans as Necessary

For the health and safety of patrons, occupants, and staff, ensure that all evacuation plans are posted in the required spots in an emergency maintenance situation. When immediate action is needed, develop and implement an emergency plan, including emergency repairs and hazard and safety precautions that need to be considered. The strategy should consider immediate structure deterioration, chemicals, fire, and flood emergencies. Ensure that all staff is aware of the evacuation routes and up to date on new regulations and changes made to emergency maintenance service needs of the building. 

6. Ensure All Field Service Vendors Have Proper Training

Vendors, team members, and other personnel must know their job and responsibilities in the event of an emergency maintenance issue. They must be fully trained in carrying out those duties, including updating processes and procedures if necessary and knowing when to provide emergency maintenance services. All should also abide by all safety-related rules and regulations.

All reputable organizations that provide building maintenance emergency and routine building maintenance services are highly qualified and hold the appropriate licenses for emergency maintenance services. Having written safety policies is highly important and must be effectively conveyed to all personnel, team members, and vendors involved in the facility. Each person has a role and needs to be trained in their specific duties and expectations.

7. Only Make Emergency Repairs According to Code and Engineering Specifications

Never take shortcuts or veer from regulated codes, standards, or procedures to save time or money. Faster and easier do not equal safer and more accurate. Shortcuts are great for driving but not for emergency maintenance services. Only qualified personnel should do emergency repairs and follow all building and safety requirements.

In 2021, it was estimated that 42.5 percent of commercial businesses spent between 21 and 40 percent of their operating budget on cleaning and maintenance equipment, personnel, and supplies, according to Statista. Therefore, prioritizing a facility’s upkeep and emergency maintenance service is vital to its longevity, functionality, and prevention of emergency maintenance

9. Keep Your Window Accesses and High-Rise Platforms in Tip-Top Shape

A building’s plaza deck systems, rooftop doors, windows, window cleaning scaffolding, fire escapes, and other emergency equipment must be frequently examined to ensure they are safe, undamaged, and still in compliance with the law. 

Depending on the type of building and its location, its cleaning and emergency maintenance service needs vary. For example, if the building has frequent foot traffic and faces a busy street, the need for window and platform cleaning is much higher than that of a building used for storage and facing a parking lot. Pollution and birds can also play a significant role in the frequency of cleaning. Bird proofing and deterrents in commercial buildings are necessary preventative measures that building owners can implement to reduce the cleaning frequency and emergency repairs.

10. Coordinate Scheduled Maintenance and Repair Services to Reduce Risk of Emergencies

The final way to reduce expenses related to emergency repairs of commercial buildings is to coordinate and schedule routine checks and emergency maintenance services and stick to the emergency maintenance service schedule. 

Taking advantage of the technologies offered to facility managers is a proven game-changer for proactive and emergency maintenance management. According to FortuneBusinessInsights.com, “Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) software tools streamline management and control of facility management maintenance operations. It comprises a variety of tools, including CAFM space applications, software, and systems. 

Large organizations widely adopt CAFM solutions to design, observe, and execute their facility management tasks precisely. It combines administration, architecture, engineering concepts, and behavioral science to optimize business functions.” These capabilities make it easier to coordinate maintenance, both planned and emergency or urgent needs, in tandem, allowing facilities managers to stay strategic and avoid the pitfalls of missing one or the other. 

11. Stay Informed of Emergencies Beyond Your Control, Such as Weather-Related Events

Staying informed and educated on natural disasters and weather-related emergencies is fundamental for emergency repairs and situations. Mother nature is unpredictable, and an event can happen anytime. Preparing an emergency maintenance service plan is the only way to ensure the health and safety of the building, its guests, and personnel. 

Given that there are only so many ways to prevent weather-related emergencies and natural disasters, it is crucial to be as informed and proactive as possible. It is essential to monitor the situation closely and have a weather-related emergency maintenance service plan for emergencies like fires or gas leaks.

12. Retrain Your In-House Building Management Team on How to Respond to Emergencies

An emergency maintenance plan is only as effective as the staff implementing it. Providing up-to-date information is vital to ensure staff and personnel are able and ready to implement an emergency maintenance service plan when an emergency occurs. Through education and training, all employees are to be made aware of potential risks and the actions needed to ensure the safety of the building and its occupants. 

Performing routine drills and practices is a simple way to keep plans fresh in employees’ minds. Use various types of scenarios and techniques that can occur. Training must include communication, an emergency maintenance service plan, designated roles, warnings and alarms, evacuation, shutting down of necessary equipment, and sheltering. 

13. Leverage Building Management Software & Partnerships While Also Tracking Lessons Learned From Urgent or Emergent Situations

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; the same goes for building maintenance, emergency management, and planning. Facility managers can learn from previous problems and emergency circumstances. This enables them to be better prepared for an emergency maintenance issue. As teams use scheduling software and cutting-edge technology, update monitoring and security systems, and collaborate with industry experts, they can avoid problems while learning what happened and why. 

Further, working with Industry partners that specialize and are trained in emergency maintenance service and preparedness reduces risk. Essentially, this level of outsourcing takes the brunt of the building owner’s responsibility and allows them to focus on maintaining business as usual. 

Stay on Top of Commercial Building Maintenance and Reduce Emergency Repair Costs by Partnering With Valcourt Today

Emergency maintenance is unpredictable and inevitable. Keeping staff trained and updated, maintaining an on-call vendor list, addressing issues immediately, and staying proactive are critical ingredients in the urgent facility management recipe. 

Reduce the risk and costs by partnering with a thoroughly trained and established partner in the field of emergency repairs. Staying prepared and on top of all proactive and preventative emergency maintenance service plans can be overwhelming and costly. Streamlining the process through a pro is the way to go. So stay on top of building maintenance, reduce building maintenance emergencies, and contact The A1orange Group today!

What Are On-Demand Building Maintenance Services?

Building maintenance services are a vital part of building management and ownership. It improves the property’s overall value, enhances the satisfaction of occupants and visitors, and eliminates safety hazards. Routine and scheduled maintenance is ideal, but not all issues arise on a planned schedule. Therefore, an on-demand building and maintenance company is needed. 

On-demand maintenance meets the immediate needs of issues that have come to fruition. Commercial properties specifically need on-demand care, as their businesses are on the line. A business can be significantly impacted by maintenance issues, especially if the time to repair is excessive. As a result, companies can see a loss of product, profit, and business while creating a safety risk to customers. Therefore, on-demand maintenance, restoration, and repair are vital to companies. 

According to 2018 Building Owners and Managers Association International research, typical private building expenses can range from $0.02 to $0.06, but unplanned costs can quickly soar well above those rates. This data provides valuable information on the cost of upkeep and maintenance on commercial properties. In addition, routinely maintaining the exterior of the building, grounds, landscaping, and other equipment, such as the HVAC system, can help decrease the need for on-demand services. 

What Are Building Maintenance Services?

Building maintenance services are services provided that maintain, preserve, and extend the life of the building and its components and include various tasks and efforts. Specifically, these services include inspections, emergency repairs, work orders, requests, and the overall general maintenance of a building. As time goes on, things deteriorate, especially without routine attention. Therefore, building owners and facility managers rely heavily on building maintenance services to ensure the functionality of all parts of the building and maintain a safe and healthy environment for all occupants, visitors, and employees. 

Building maintenance services also keep everything up to code, in compliance with local, state, and national laws and regulations, and up to date on all inspections. A building that is not maintained is an accident waiting to happen. Ensuring routine maintenance is implemented is a surefire way to relieve some liability that would occur had the property been neglected. 

What’s the Difference Between On-Demand Versus Schedule Maintenance?

On-demand services occur on an as-needed basis. For example, when a piece of equipment or component of the building stops working, it requires an on-demand repair. On-demand maintenance can occur at any given time and typically requires immediate attention as it can often be a safety or health hazard. For example, pest issues, HVAC problems, broken doorways, and water leaks require swift and efficient attention to maintain the structure’s longevity and the safety of building guests and staff. 

Scheduled maintenance is preventative and proactive maintenance, regardless of the condition of the building. The building is inspected and maintained regularly to prevent major issues from occurring. Scheduled maintenance can often prevent on-demand maintenance issues from occurring. 

Examples of scheduled maintenance are changing HVAC filters, building maintenance cleaning, maintaining and cleaning concrete, maintaining the building facade, and window cleaning. Scheduled maintenance also aids in preventing safety and health hazards to employees, tenants, and building visitors.

Why Are On-Demand Costs Higher?

On-demand building services and maintenance can be much more costly than scheduled maintenance. In addition, because it is not a routinely scheduled service, it causes maintenance crews to adjust their schedules and time to fit the maintenance request. This could mean after-hours and overnight maintenance calls, expediting the shipment and delivery of parts and canceling other jobs to accommodate the maintenance needs. 

Another factor contributing to higher costs is that labor and supply costs have risen significantly over the past couple of years, affecting both on-demand and scheduled maintenance. However, urgent, on-demand needs will result in much higher labor costs as they are unplanned and urgent matters. 

Examples of When On-Demand Maintenance Works Best

There are times when on-demand maintenance is necessary and could not have been avoided even with a routine maintenance plan enforced. These maintenance issues arise due to unforeseen circumstances and need immediate attention to remedy the situation before it escalates into a more significant problem. Below are a few examples of when on-demand maintenance works best:

  • Water Leaks and Water Leak Investigation
  • Temporary Broken Window Repair
  • Addressing Urgent Building Facade Damage
  • Emergency Exterior Repairs

Examples of Scheduled Maintenance Needs

Scheduled maintenance is routine, preventative maintenance. There may not be an issue at hand; however, maintaining equipment and all components of buildings is very helpful in preventing problems and prolonging the lifespan of the building and its assets. In addition, scheduled maintenance can prevent more significant issues such as roof leaks due to age, mold, safety hazards, bird infestations, clogged pipes or drain lines, and inefficiently working HVAC systems.  

  • Landscaping and Grounds Upkeep
  • Glass Restoration and Repair
  • HVAC Inspections
  • Regular Building Maintenance Cleaning
  • Clearing Gutters and Drains
  • Concrete Upkeep

What to Look for in On-Demand Building Maintenance Companies

A competent on-demand building maintenance company helps a well-maintained business decrease the total cost of ownership while ensuring the building remains in tip-top shape. This partnership provides comfort and safety for the building owners, occupants, and visitors. Below are tips to remember when choosing a building maintenance company. 

  • Experience in providing services to your unique building types. There are several types of buildings, each requiring different maintenance requirements and needs. Professional building maintenance companies are trained in the management and maintenance of all kinds. 
  • Ability to follow all laws and regulations affecting safety. All professional building maintenance companies have fully trained experts with the necessary certifications for specific repairs. 
  • Ability to address potential problems to prevent further damage. Building services and maintenance professionals remediate the issue at hand while also being proactive and fixing more minor problems that will eventually lead to significant issues if not addressed. 
  • Around-the-clock availability. On-demand building maintenance services are available around the clock, night or day, on weekends and holidays. Commercial building maintenance companies know that emergencies do not just happen during work hours. 
  • Restoration services for a variety of emergencies. Commercial building maintenance companies have expertise in an array of areas. This ensures that they can address issues ranging from a water leak to an HVAC issue. 
  • Highly-trained field service vendors will address the needs fully and professionally. Building maintenance companies are competent and able to maintain professionalism, even as stress levels are high while completing the task. 
  • Cross-functional reporting, such as reporting facade stucco damage when fixing window leaks. On-demand maintenance teams can recognize issues unrelated to their task that could lead to problems. 
  • Provides quality customer service. Ensure they are responsive, timely, and efficient. Response time is vital when an emergency occurs.
  • Ensure they have a team local to the facility. On-demand maintenance typically needs immediate attention. Having a professional nearby is a must for a quick response time. 
  • An array of equipment is at their disposal. However, each property has its demands and needs. Therefore, ensure the building and maintenance company has the necessary equipment to meet the needs of the specific task.  
  • Make sure their cost matches your budget. It’s always a good idea to be upfront with a budget. Asking for a quote will help decipher the comfort in fees and supplies.

Improve Your Team’s Efficiency With Quality Commercial Building Maintenance Companies Under the Valcourt Umbrella

Building maintenance is an essential aspect of management and ownership responsibilities. It increases ROI, removing safety hazards. Therefore, routine and regular maintenance is preferable. However, not all issues occur on a predetermined timetable. When this happens, on-demand, sometimes emergency, services are required.

On-demand costs can be higher but are frequently necessary for emergencies. There are many things to consider when searching for building maintenance services, including expertise, location, and safety certifications, to name a few. 

Any company under the Valcourt umbrella will bring top-notch attention and services to the project at hand. Specializing in communication, accountability, safety, and complete building services, choosing Valcourt won’t steer you wrong. Improve your team’s efficiency with quality commercial building companies under the Valcourt umbrella! Contact The A1orange Group today. 

For a FREE estimate, send a request or call us at (800) 874-6207