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OSHA National Emphasis Program on Falls

Fall-related fatalities and their severe consequences in the workplace are preventable. Yet, falls still take the lives of hundreds and injure thousands of workers each year. Tackling this issue requires a greater emphasis on education, awareness, and fall protection regulations.

For these reasons, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) implemented the National Emphasis Program (NEP) on Falls earlier this year to reduce severe injuries and fatalities resulting from falls at heights in various workplaces. This article will provide an overview of the NEP on Falls, initiatives, and the importance of compliance for building owners and property managers.

Focus on Falls – The OSHA National Emphasis Program

OSHA implements temporary NEPs to focus resources on specific hazards and high-hazard industries, using data and inspection findings for evaluation. The NEP on Falls took effect on May 1, 2023, with compliance officers authorized to initiate inspections on July 30, 2023, upon observing workers at heights without prior appointment.

Eric Harbin, Administrator for OSHA, states, “Although most of the regions had their own different approach to addressing falls in the workplace, this kind of nationalized it and put a unified approach on how we target fall exposures in the industry.” This program marks the 10th anniversary of OSHA’s Fall Protection Stand-Down campaign.

The NEP targets general industry and construction to locate and inspect fall hazards in the workplace.

  1. Targeted Inspections: OSHA officers are now authorized to conduct inspections specifically focused on fall hazard activities in several areas, including rooftop mechanical work/maintenance, window and gutter cleaning, and power washing buildings. When OSHA observes potential risks, it can take immediate action without requiring prior incidents or complaints to trigger an inspection.
  2. Educational Outreach: A vital component of the NEP is educating employers and workers about effective fall protection methods. The program aims to increase awareness and understanding of fall hazards and the best mitigation practices.
  3. Emphasis on Compliance and Prevention: The program stresses the importance of adhering to OSHA’s fall protection standards. It includes reviewing and ensuring that all required safety measures, such as guardrails, safety nets, personal fall arrest systems, and training, are in place and effective.

The OSHA NEP on Falls signals an increase in enforcement to prevent fatal and non-fatal falls. Employers, building owners, and property managers must take necessary precautions to minimize fall risks in the workplace and promote worker safety. The NEP’s focus on outreach and compliance assistance also provides a valuable opportunity for employers and industry associations to work with OSHA to reduce fall hazards and improve safety in the workplace.

Why Did OSHA Implement an NEP for Fall Protection?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, fall inspections decreased. However, with the workplace returning to a new normal, there is a renewed focus on fall protection. Here are some compelling statistics and insights supporting a greater emphasis on fall protection:

  • Fall protection remains the top citation for the 13th consecutive year, doubling the second-place citation.
  • In fiscal year 2023, fall protection, ladders, scaffolding, and fall protection training resulted in over 15,000 OSHA citations.
  • Falls remain the leading cause of fatalities and severe workplace injuries.

As inspections began nationally on July 30, 2023, OSHA compliance officers can now open inspections whenever they observe work at heights.

Building Owner Responsibilities Under OSHA’s National Emphasis Program on Falls

The OSHA National Emphasis Program (NEP) on Falls places critical responsibilities on building owners to ensure the safety of workers at heights. This emphasis on fall protection underscores the role of building owners in preventing accidents and maintaining compliance with OSHA standards.

  • Adequate Fall Protection Equipment: Building owners are required to equip their buildings with proper fall protection systems. This includes systems that guard against potential hazards like skylights, guardrails, and roof hatches, which building owners and property managers may overlook.
    • Skylights or any hole over four feet must be safeguarded as per OSHA 1910.28(b)(3)(i).
    • Roof hatches, ladderway floor holes, or platform holes, when open, are considered fall hazards and must comply with OSHA 1910.28(b)(3)(iv).
    • Appropriate fall protection must be provided for parapet walls less than 39 inches in height, as outlined in OSHA 1910.29(b).
  • Documentation and Certification Requirements: Building owners must provide written documentation that certifies the safety of anchors for Rope Descent Systems (RDS) and suspended scaffolds. Each anchorage point must be certified by a qualified person at least every ten years and capable of supporting 5,000 pounds or more in any direction. These systems also require annual inspections by qualified persons.
  • Training Requirements for Building Employees: It’s not just about having the right equipment; building employees working at heights must be adequately trained. OSHA standard 1910.30(a)(1) emphasizes the importance of training employees by a qualified person to recognize and mitigate the risks associated with working at heights. The training must be understandable and cover how to use fall protection systems, set up an area, and retrain employees who lack the skill or understanding to operate safely.
  • Liabilities for Non-Compliance: The repercussions for building owners who fail to comply with these standards are significant. Fall protection violations can result in severe violation fines exceeding $15,000. Willful or repeated offenses can attract fines of over $150,000. Moreover, failure to correct identified issues beyond the given abatement date can result in daily fines of up to $15,625.

By adhering to these responsibilities, building owners contribute significantly to the safety and well-being of workers operating at heights.

Preparing for OSHA’s National Emphasis Program on Falls

Building owners must proactively ensure their buildings have the necessary fall protection systems, comply with OSHA regulations, provide necessary documentation and training, and understand the legal and financial consequences of non-compliance.

Preparing for OSHA’s National Emphasis Program on Falls is critical for building owners and property managers. To ensure compliance, key steps include:

  1. Safe Roof Access: Ensuring safe and secure access to the roof, including proper pathways and entry points that comply with OSHA’s safety standards.
  2. Safe Roof Walking Surfaces: Regularly inspect and maintain roof walking surfaces to prevent slip and fall accidents.
  3. Edge Protection: Guarding edges and areas over the edge with appropriate fall protection systems such as guardrails or safety nets is mandatory.
  4. Employee Training: Providing comprehensive fall protection training to all building employees working at heights is vital to compliance.
  5. Adequate Fall Protection Equipment/Systems: Maintain adequate fall protection equipment, including guardrails for skylights and roof hatches, and have a qualified person (Professional Engineer) conduct regular inspections and certification of anchors.

Valcourt Building Services offers expert solutions and assistance to help you prepare for OSHA’s NEP on Falls. Contact Valcourt today to ensure your building meets OSHA’s rigorous safety standards and protect your workers from fall hazards.

Plus, watch our 30-minute on-demand webinar “Discover What OSHA’s NEP Means for You” for in-depth insights and guidance on fall protection compliance.


Guidelines for Choosing the Right Building Service Provider

Choosing the right building service provider is paramount for property managers and building owners. The stakes are high, as a poor selection can lead to inadequate maintenance, increased liability, and even property devaluation. Making an informed decision means considering expertise, safety standards, and customer feedback.

This comprehensive guide will assist you in navigating through the selection process, ensuring you partner with a service provider who aligns with your property’s specific needs and maintains its value and integrity.

Consequences of Poor Selection: Liability and Cost Implications

With so much on the line, the consequences of choosing a substandard service provider can lead to significant liability claims, fines, and costly repairs.

  • Premises Liability Claims: This type of claim arises when injuries occur due to a dangerous condition on another person’s property. To establish a premises liability claim, it’s typically necessary to prove three key elements: a dangerous condition existed on the property, the property owner was negligent in creating or not addressing this condition, and this negligence directly resulted in injury or property damage. Building service providers who lack experience, perform low-quality work, or use cheap materials put building owners at greater risk of falling victim to this type of claim.
  • Lost Time Managing Subpar Vendors: Hiring subpar vendors often results in poor communication, lack of follow-through and response time, and rework. Spending time constantly following up with vendors or even chasing down an unresponsive vendor wastes your time. In the long run, you will likely need to find another provider to do the job correctly.
  • Costly Repairs: When vendors fail to make repairs correctly the first time or to perform preventative maintenance, it will lead to expensive repairs. For instance, the cost of correcting someone else’s mistake will most certainly cost more than the original quote. Ignoring preventative maintenance can cause issues to go unnoticed and fester into larger problems.
  • Lower Property Value: Structural integrity, curb appeal, and safety are critical to your property’s value. Unlike factors such as the economy and interest rates, maintaining your property is within your control. One way or another, your choice of building service provider directly impacts the value of your property.

Selecting a reliable and competent service provider is crucial for efficient property management, property value, and avoiding repeated interventions, hassles, and expenses.

Selecting the Right Building Service Provider

The ideal building service provider should not only fit within your budget but also possess the capabilities to meet your property’s unique demands. Make it a priority to choose a building service provider who aligns well with your objectives and ensures that your property is maintained effectively, enhancing its value and appeal. This decision is about more than just immediate service needs; it’s about forming a partnership that supports your property’s ongoing success and sustainability.

1. Evaluate for Expertise and Experience

Evaluating a building service provider’s expertise and experience is a crucial step. You can achieve this by exploring several avenues, such as online reviews, the provider’s website, and direct inquiries.

  • Online Reviews and Ratings: Check online platforms like Google, Yelp, or industry-specific sites for reviews and ratings. These can provide insights into the provider’s performance and customer satisfaction levels.
  • Provider’s Website: Visit their official website to explore case studies, project portfolios, and testimonials. This information often reflects their experience and areas of specialization.
  • Professional Networks: Contact your network of property owners and managers for recommendations and firsthand experiences with various providers.
  • Industry Forums and Online Communities: Engage in forums or platforms where property management professionals discuss and share experiences with different service providers.
  • Direct Inquiry: Contact the provider directly and request detailed information about their past projects, years in business, and client references.

These methods can collectively provide a comprehensive understanding of a provider’s expertise and reliability in the field.

2. Assess the Provider’s Service Offerings

When selecting a building service provider, it’s vital to ensure they offer a comprehensive range of services that cater to the diverse needs of your buildings. This adaptability is crucial for addressing unique maintenance requirements effectively.

  • Wide Range of Services: A proficient provider should offer various services, such as window cleaning, waterproofing, and concrete and leak repair. This flexibility includes customizing maintenance plans, adjusting service schedules, and being able to handle unforeseen issues promptly.
  • Specialized Solutions: Providers should have tailored solutions catering to these building types, showcasing their understanding and expertise in various fields.
  • Resource Availability: Examine the provider’s resources, including their workforce, equipment, and technological capabilities. These resources should align with the scale and complexity of your building’s maintenance needs.
  • Commitment to Preventative Maintenance: A focus on proactive strategies to mitigate wear and tear is essential. This approach helps maintain the building’s aesthetics and structural integrity, prolonging its lifespan.

A building service provider’s ability to offer wide-ranging, specialized, and flexible services, supported by adequate resources and a preventative approach, is crucial in selecting the right partner for your building’s maintenance needs.

3. Ensure Safety Standards and Compliance

Prioritizing safety in building maintenance is non-negotiable. Ensure the provider adheres to industry-standard safety protocols and requires OSHA-required certifications & inspections when suspending from your roof anchorages. A commitment to ongoing employee training and safety education is vital.

This commitment to safety protects workers and ensures the integrity and security of your property.

  • OSHA Certifications: Confirm that the provider has relevant safety training certifications from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other industry associations, like OSHA 10 or OSHA 30 training. These certifications are indicators of a provider’s dedication to maintaining high safety standards in their operations.
  • Standards & Regulations: Question your provider’s knowledge of compliance with various regulatory bodies. This knowledge demonstrates their commitment to following legal safety requirements and industry best practices.
  • Ongoing Training and Education: Evaluate the provider’s commitment to continuous employee training and safety education. Regular training ensures that the workforce is up-to-date with the latest safety protocols and techniques, minimizing risks and enhancing the quality of service.

A safety-minded building service provider adheres to regulatory compliance and fosters a safe working environment, safeguarding the workforce, tenants, and property.

4. Review Risk Mitigation Capabilities

Assessing risk mitigation capabilities involves examining whether the provider is sufficiently equipped to manage and minimize potential risks associated with building maintenance, repairs, and emergencies. Such capabilities are pivotal in ensuring the provider can support your property effectively, not just under normal circumstances but also in unexpected situations that may arise.

  • Licensed, Bonded, and Insured: A building service provider that is licensed, bonded, and insured offers legal credibility, financial protection against potential job failures or damages, and insurance coverage for accidents or liabilities.
  • Proactive Business Continuity Approach: The ideal provider will have well-developed business continuity and emergency preparedness plans. For example, evaluating the work site for hazards before starting a job, planning active job-site hours when it’s best for the safety of your property and its tenants, properly blocking off the job site area, and having emergency rescue plans when using suspended access equipment.
  • Emergency Preparedness: A provider with robust emergency response protocols, such as emergency leak repair, ensures that your property receives prompt and effective service during critical situations, minimizing potential damage and downtime.

A building service provider who prioritizes risk mitigation understands the impacts on your tenants and property when things don’t go as planned. A provider who has this mindset ensures prompt building repairs and takes measures to prevent future problems.

5. Making Your Selection

After narrowing down your choices based on expertise, service offerings, safety standards, and risk mitigation, it’s time to make the final selection. This crucial step involves a detailed evaluation of how each candidate aligns with your needs and goals.

  • Request and Compare Proposals: Review detailed proposals from your shortlisted providers. Assess how each proposal addresses your requirements, including service scope, timelines, and cost.
  • Site Visits and Meetings: Arrange site visits or meetings with potential providers. Observe their professionalism and ask in-depth questions about their approach to your project.
  • Final Evaluation: Consider all the information gathered, including feedback from references. Evaluate each provider’s ability to deliver quality services within your budget.

Choose the provider who best fits your criteria and demonstrates the capability to maintain and enhance your property effectively. Remember, the right provider is not just a contractor but a partner in maintaining your property’s value and functionality.

Valcourt’s Expertise in Building Services

At Valcourt Building Services, we pride ourselves on offering an extensive range of specialized building services. Our expertise encompasses waterproofing, window cleaning, facade repair and restoration, rapid leak repair, comprehensive safety system installations, and anchor inspections & certifications. We are committed to delivering high-quality services tailored to meet the unique needs of each building.

Our team, equipped with industry-leading knowledge and tools, ensures every project upholds the highest standards of safety and excellence. Contact Valcourt today and partner with a team dedicated to preserving and enhancing the value and functionality of your property.


Parking Garage Maintenance: What to Do to Prevent High-Cost Structural Repairs?

Parking garages face unique challenges due to their constant exposure to vehicular traffic, environmental elements, and heavy loads. As a result, they require diligent, routine attention for basic upkeep like cleaning, lighting, and proactive structural care. This preventative maintenance, as well as responsive repairs, are essential for ensuring safety, preserving profitability, and maintaining property value.

Investing in routine parking garage maintenance also ensures smaller issues are resolved before they become larger —and much more costly— structural repairs. Especially noteworthy is the increased adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), often 30% heavier than traditional gas-powered cars, adding an extra layer of stress to parking structures.

A recent assessment of four parking garages in Asheville, NC, found they needed over $11 million in repairs, and continued deferred maintenance could lead to structure collapse. This article contrasts regular maintenance costs with extensive repairs due to neglect, underscoring the importance of proactive care for parking structures.

Parking Garage Essential Maintenance Practices

Parking garage maintenance should be a top priority. Here are some best practices for knowing where and what to look for and the action needed to maintain the facility and avoid the high costs of more extensive repairs.


  1. Monitoring for Leaks, Spills, and Damage: Vigilantly checking for any signs of leaks, spills, or structural damage and addressing these issues promptly to prevent minor problems from escalating into significant concerns.
  2. Structural Assessments: Regular structural assessments identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems.
  3. Sealing and Waterproofing: Applying sealants protects against water infiltration, which can lead to corrosion and concrete deterioration.
  4. Pressure Washing and Debris Removal: Regular cleaning and debris removal prevent the accumulation of materials that can hide potential issues. Keeping garages clean and pressure washed every 6-12 months helps expose underlying issues that, if unaddressed, could escalate into significant damages.
  5. Lighting Maintenance: Ensuring proper lighting is crucial for safety and helps identify potential issues needing attention.
  6. Entrance and Exit Gate Maintenance: Regular checks and repairs of gates help promote smooth traffic flow and security.
  7. Booth Maintenance: Confirm that the attendant booths are in good condition and functional.
  8. Elevator and Stair Maintenance: Maintenance of elevators and stairs is crucial for safety and accessibility, preventing breakdowns and potential accidents.

The repercussions of disregarding these standard practices can be dire for your building’s tenants, employees, and visitors.

Case Study: The Tragic Collapse of a Manhattan Parking Garage

In April 2023, Lower Manhattan witnessed a catastrophic collapse of a four-story parking garage on Ann Street. This tragic incident, resulting in one fatality and multiple injuries, highlighted the disastrous consequences of neglecting parking garage maintenance.

The building, dating back to 1925, had a history of structural issues, including cracked and spalling concrete. This failure underscored the risks of deferred maintenance, particularly in structures constantly exposed to elements like water and road salts, which can accelerate concrete deterioration.

This case is a stark reminder of the importance of regular, comprehensive structural assessments to prevent such disasters. It emphasizes the need for property owners to prioritize the safety and integrity of their parking facilities, ensuring compliance with inspection laws to safeguard against potential structural failures.

A1 Orange’s Comprehensive Maintenance Solutions

A1 Orange offers specialized maintenance services tailored for parking garages with a consistent maintenance plan designed to address all aspects impacting the life cycle of the garage. Our approach enhances the parking garage’s structural health, aesthetic appeal, and safety to ensure you get the most out of your investment.

  1. Leak Investigation & Repair: Expertise in swiftly identifying and addressing water infiltration, preventing extensive damage, and preserving building value.
  2. Pressure Washing: We effectively remove tough stains and spills commonly found in parking garages, utilizing eco-friendly methods and specialized techniques for various surfaces.
  3. Waterproofing: Diverse waterproofing services, from traffic coatings to membranes, are crucial for long-term protection against moisture and chemical intrusion.
  4. Concrete Strengthening: Enhancing structural longevity through advanced strengthening systems, adapting to changing loads and building standards.
  5. Stairwell Handrail Repair & Replacement: Ensuring safety and compliance with changing codes through expert handrail services.
  6. Traffic Coatings: Specialized coatings protect and extend the life of high-traffic areas, offering resistance against environmental and mechanical stress.
  7. Concrete Repair and Restoration: We offer comprehensive services for structural integrity restoration, addressing everything from expansion joint replacement to decorative coatings.
  8. Emergency Leak Repair: Rapid response to leakage issues caused by various factors, ensuring a safe and functional environment.
  9. Plaza Deck Repair and Maintenance: Specialized in managing the unique challenges of plaza decks, from waterproofing to finish replacements, emphasizing the minimal impact on occupants and guests.
  10. Post-Tension Repair: We provide advanced post-tensioning techniques to help address critical issues such as tendon oxidation due to water infiltration.

As we’ve explored the critical aspects of parking garage maintenance, it’s evident that routine care and expert intervention are pivotal for staying ahead of wear and tear.

Regular Maintenance, The Key to Parking Garage Longevity

Regular and proactive maintenance of parking garages is crucial to avoid high-cost structural repairs. By adhering to standard maintenance practices and utilizing the specialized services offered by A1 Orange, property managers can safeguard their investments and ensure the safety and longevity of their parking structures. 

Consistent care and attention to detail in parking garage maintenance can significantly extend the structure’s longevity, enhance its functionality, and maintain its aesthetic appeal. This approach minimizes the likelihood of costly repairs and ensures a safer environment for users, contributing to the overall value and appeal of the property.

Contact A1 Orange today for a comprehensive maintenance plan tailored to your parking garage’s needs that will help protect your valuable asset for years.

two men inspecting commercial building facade preventative maintenance


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