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Why Does Concrete Crack and Spall, and How Can It Be Prevented?

Concrete, the backbone of modern commercial properties, is revered for its strength and durability. Yet, despite its robustness, concrete is not immune to the phenomena of cracking and spalling.

Both cracking and spalling are signs of deterioration and critical concerns for a building’s structural integrity and aesthetics. While both may initially seem minor, they can lead to more severe issues if left unaddressed. This article explores the causes and implications of these common issues, offering insights into preventive measures and repairs.

What are Concrete Cracking and Spalling?

In the lifecycle of concrete structures, two prevalent issues are cracking and spalling, each signaling different underlying problems but often interconnected in their effects on a building’s health.

Concrete Cracking is a common occurrence that can result from several factors. Unlike spalling, cracking refers to forming fissures or lines on the concrete surface, which can vary in depth and length.

Concrete Spalling, on the other hand, goes beyond surface-level deterioration. It involves the breaking off or flaking of concrete surfaces, often exposing the reinforcing steel bars beneath. When this happens, it can lead to accelerated corrosion of the reinforcement and further compromise structural integrity.

Concrete spalling and cracking can arise from various sources:

  • Water Ingress and Freeze-Thaw Cycles – Moisture penetration, followed by freezing and thawing, can cause the concrete to crack and eventually spall.
  • Settlement – Uneven settling of the ground beneath the concrete can create tension, resulting in cracks.
  • Overloading – Exceeding the weight capacity of the concrete can cause cracks due to excessive stress. The toll that much heavier electric vehicles take on parking garage structures has the potential to shorten the lifespan of the concrete.
  • Shrinkage – Concrete requires proper oversight during the curing process, or it can shrink, leading to the formation of cracks.
  • Quality of Materials – The integrity of concrete heavily depends on the quality of its constituent materials. There have been lawsuits because a supplier allegedly omitted a critical chemical additive from their concrete mix. The omission of such additives can compromise the concrete’s resistance to environmental stresses, leading to premature cracking and spalling.
  • Improper Installation – Flaws during construction, like inadequate curing or improper mix proportions, set the stage for future problems.
  • Chemical Damage – Harmful chemicals, like chlorides from de-icing salts, can corrode the reinforcing steel and cause the surrounding concrete to spall.
  • Environmental Factors – 2023 was officially the warmest year on record. Extreme temperatures can reduce concrete strength and increase permeability, contributing to spalling and cracking.
  • Water Ingress – Moisture penetration, often through cracks, leads to deterioration and rusting of reinforcement bars.

Recognizing the signs of both allows for timely intervention and prevention of further damage.

Identifying Signs of Concrete Damage

If spotted in time, recognizing early signs of deterioration can lead to interventions that prevent minor issues from escalating into significant, costly repairs. Here’s what property managers and building owners should look for:

  • Flaking – A clear sign that the concrete surface is deteriorating, potentially exposing the underlying steel reinforcements.
  • Cracks – Thin lines or wide fissures on the concrete surface. Cracks are not just surface-level concerns; they can indicate deeper structural issues.
  • Exposed Reinforcement Bars – When reinforcement bars become visible, it suggests that the concrete has spalled significantly, which could accelerate the corrosion of the steel and compromise structural integrity.

Valcourt’s Approach to Concrete Maintenance: A Case Study

The top level of both parking structures at Park 80 West, approximately 12–15 years post-initial construction, suffered from a deteriorated waterproof coating—a maintenance step recommended every five years.

This neglect led to significant concrete spalls, cracks, and severe water infiltration, necessitating immediate attention before completing the restoration. Valcourt’s comprehensive services for this project included concrete spall and crack repair, traffic-bearing waterproofing membrane repair, and the restriping of parking spaces.

Preventative Measures and Solutions 

Property managers should incorporate routine checks into their maintenance schedules, focusing on areas susceptible to damage, such as exposed surfaces, joints, and areas with known water penetration issues. Inspections should also be more frequent following extreme weather events, which can exacerbate existing vulnerabilities in the concrete.

To mitigate the risks of concrete deterioration, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Sealing and Waterproofing – Essential for protecting against water infiltration and subsequent corrosion.
  • Pressure Washing and Debris Removal – Keeps surfaces clean and exposes hidden issues.
  • Regular Structural Assessments – Identifies potential problems before they worsen.
  • Proactive Maintenance – Including vigilant monitoring for leaks or structural damage.

Preventative maintenance, followed by early detection and prompt repair actions, can significantly extend the lifespan of a concrete structure and ensure its safety and functionality. Property managers and building owners are encouraged to partner with concrete repair specialists like Valcourt. We can provide expert assessments and waterproofing services and tailor effective repair strategies to address your concrete cracking and spalling issues.

A Proactive Approach to Concrete Maintenance

The integrity of concrete structures significantly depends on regular maintenance and the early detection of potential issues. Property managers can substantially extend the lifespan of their assets by understanding the causes of concrete cracking and spalling and implementing preventative measures. For specialized care and repair, partnering with experienced professionals like Valcourt ensures that commercial properties remain safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing.

For expert concrete maintenance and repair services, contact Valcourt to help ensure your property remains in prime condition.


Deep Clean or Glass Restoration, Part 1: Comprehensive Guide to Professional Window Cleaning

Beyond merely offering clear views, regular window cleaning is an essential practice in preserving a building’s aesthetic appeal and its long-term well-being. Sparkling windows elevate a structure’s facade and signal a proactive approach to property maintenance while creating a welcoming environment. This article shines a light on the world of professional window cleaning services, emphasizing their role in extending the lifespan of various window types through preventative care.

Regular Window Cleaning: Methods and Benefits

Window cleaning techniques encompass a spectrum from traditional to advanced methodologies. Traditional methods, such as mops and squeegees, are indispensable for achieving thorough dirt and streak removal. In contrast, water-fed pole systems represent a more modern approach, utilizing purified water to deliver a spot-free finish. However, it’s important to note that water-fed poles have their limitations when cleaning from the ground; they are generally effective up to five stories.

For buildings approximately six stories and taller, which fall into the mid to high-rise category, rope descent systems (RDS) become essential for window cleaning. RDS allows for comprehensive façade cleaning, reaching areas where water-fed poles cannot. This distinction is crucial for ensuring the cleanliness and maintenance of taller buildings, where specialized equipment like RDS is necessary to address the unique challenges posed by their height, architectural features, and fall protection requirements.

An imperative part of building facade maintenance, regular window cleaning is vital for maintaining the overall health and appearance of a building’s windows. However, there are circumstances where standard window cleaning may not suffice. Environmental exposure, construction work nearby, or prolonged neglect can lead to conditions where deep cleaning efforts are needed to improve the windows’ condition.

Deep Cleaning Window Services: Process and Techniques

Deep cleaning tackles the more stubborn issues that cannot be remedied by standard cleaning, including removing heavily built-up grime, construction debris, paint overspray, or adhesive residues. Deep cleaning services for commercial windows utilize specialized treatments and techniques to tackle what regular cleaning cannot remove.

Professional window cleaners carefully select methods and materials based on the window’s condition, the type of dirt or damage present, and the building’s architectural considerations. These experts employ different abrasive pads, razors, or cleaning agents to remove heavy build-up. It’s important to note that these methods require expertise as they risk permanently damaging the glass if not done correctly. This transition marks a return to the regular cadence of window maintenance, ensuring the longevity and aesthetic appeal of the building’s exterior.

Window Maintenance Cadence

  • Standard Window Cleaning Clean exterior glass 2-4 times yearly to remove accumulations of dirt, grime, and pollutants that obscure visibility and degrade the glass over time. In areas prone to higher levels of dirt and dust, increasing the frequency of cleaning may be necessary to maintain the glass’s aesthetic and structural integrity.
  • Periodic Deep Cleaning Deep clean exterior glass if it is affected by heavy build-up from deferred maintenance or construction debris. This more intensive cleaning addresses any build-up that regular cleanings cannot remove and checks the integrity of the frames.
  • Facade Cleaning & Resealing Pressure washing your facade every 5-7 years and resealing per the manufacturer’s recommendations improves its overall health, protecting it from environmental elements. It also prevents mineral water run-off from leaching from the facade to the windows and window frames, which can eventually cause staining.
  • Glass Restoration Services When regular cleaning no longer restores the original clarity due to heavy build-up, mineral deposit staining, or damage from deferred maintenance, it’s time for professional glass restoration. This service, ideal for buildings experiencing issues beyond the scope of standard cleaning, uses specialized techniques to revive the glass.

By adhering to these maintenance practices, buildings can enjoy the immediate benefits of clean and well-maintained windows and the long-term advantages of enhanced durability and reduced repair and restoration costs.

Benefits of Regular Window Cleaning

  • Increased Longevity: Regular cleaning prevents the accumulation of harmful substances like pollutants, dirt, and hard water minerals, which can eventually cause staining, etching, or even cracking.
  • Cost Savings: Regular window and facade maintenance helps avoid the significant expenses associated with deep restorative cleaning or complete replacement. Clean windows maintain high thermal efficiency, reducing energy costs by maximizing natural light and heat retention.
  • Aesthetic and Value Enhancement: Clean windows significantly improve a building’s appearance, boosting its curb appeal and potentially increasing its market value. They also enhance the indoor environment for occupants by allowing more natural light and providing clear views.

Regular window cleaning enhances the aesthetic appeal of commercial buildings and contributes significantly to the preventative maintenance strategy and longevity, preventing the premature need for costly repairs or replacements. It’s a proactive measure that preserves the clarity and integrity of glass over time. However, when routine or deep cleaning is insufficient to address accumulated wear, neglect, or other specific issues, restoration services become essential to restore the windows to their optimal condition.

Identifying When Regular Cleaning Isn’t Enough

When regular window cleaning no longer restores the original clarity and brilliance of your building’s windows, it’s a sign that deeper issues need addressing. Signs include:

  • Persistent stains that resist standard cleaning efforts
  • Visible scratches and etchings
  • Heavy spotting, streaking, foggy glass, or dullness
  • A noticeable decline in window transparency affects the building’s appearance

These conditions highlight the need for comprehensive glass restoration services. Window restoration services apply a solution coupled with abrasion to remove stains safely. Through restoration, you can significantly extend the life of your windows, enhancing the building’s overall appeal and value.

Maximizing Glass Longevity and Aesthetic Through Professional Window Cleaning

Professional window cleaning stands as a critical component in the maintenance regimen of commercial buildings, ensuring not just aesthetic brilliance but also the longevity of window systems. This guide has highlighted the significance of regular and deep cleaning to address various window conditions and building environments. Opting for professional exterior building service providers like Valcourt ensures that windows remain pristine, enhancing a building’s appeal and contributing to its overall value.

Stay tuned for Part Two of this series, where we will dive into glass restoration, including identifying the signs that your building’s windows require restoration.

Contact Valcourt for comprehensive window cleaning services tailored to your building’s specific needs.


How to Proactively Spot Signs of Water Infiltration: A Guide for Property Managers

Water infiltration, a silent yet potent threat to building integrity, demands vigilant attention from property managers. Recognizing and promptly addressing water infiltration is essential to prevent extensive damage and avert costly repairs. For commercial properties, the responsibility for preventing water infiltration and addressing the damage it causes typically falls on the property owner or manager. This guide provides comprehensive insights into spotting and addressing water infiltration effectively.

Understanding Water Infiltration

Water infiltration refers to the unwanted entry of water into a building, typically through its envelope – the roof, walls, windows, or foundation. Common causes include improper sealing, structural damage, and drainage failures.

Prolonged exposure to water can lead to severe risks like structural deterioration, mold growth, and indoor air quality problems, posing potential health hazards and financial burdens.

Signs of Water Infiltration

In most cases, you don’t need fancy equipment to identify water infiltration. Visual, physical, and odor-related indicators offer insights into the extent and nature of the infiltration.

  1. Visual Signs: Look for wall discoloration, mold growth, and peeling paint or wallpaper. These are clear indicators of moisture intrusion.
  2. Physical Signs: Noticeable signs include warped wood, dampness on surfaces, and visible water pooling in certain areas.
  3. Odor and Air Quality Changes: A musty smell is a tell-tale sign of moisture problems, as is an increase in indoor humidity.

Once you or your tenants observe any of these issues, it’s time to take immediate action to investigate the source of the moisture and implement remedial measures.

Critical Areas to Inspect

These critical zones are most susceptible to water damage and can offer early signs of potential issues. Property managers should focus on the following areas for thorough inspections:

  1. Roof and Ceiling – Roofs are the number one cause of commercial water damage, and if left untreated, they can lead to collapse. Check for water stains or leaks, as these are often the first signs of roof problems.
  2. Facade and Windows – Inspect for seepage or condensation, indicating compromised seals.
  3. Foundations and Basements – Look for cracks, dampness, or pooling water, which signal potential foundation issues.
  4. Equipment, HVAC, Sprinklers, Boilers – Regularly inspect these for any signs of leaks or corrosion.

Consistent monitoring of these areas can prevent minor issues from escalating into major, costly problems.

The Importance of Timely Action

A proactive approach to water infiltration can be highly cost-effective and helps avoid more extensive and expensive repairs later. Moreover, ignoring water infiltration can lead to long-term issues such as structural damage and health hazards due to mold and poor air quality.

The tragic incident in Davenport, Iowa, where a six-story, 116-year-old apartment building partially collapsed, leading to missing persons and a significant rescue operation, serves as a stark example of the severe consequences that can arise from ignoring water infiltration and structural issues in a building. Tenants reported various issues over the years, including cracks in the walls and water leakage, which were signs of potential structural problems. These complaints, however, were reportedly ignored by management.

Regular inspections and prompt attention to signs of structural damage and water infiltration could have prevented this tragedy. Building owners and managers are legally and ethically responsible for maintaining safe living conditions. Choosing a qualified business service provider is crucial in ensuring proactive and effective maintenance, thereby preventing catastrophic outcomes and safeguarding the lives of occupants.

ProXpress Expertise in Action

ProXpress offers specialized proactive water infiltration management services, including rapid leak repair and water intrusion testing. These services play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of structures and preventing water damage. ProXpress has helped numerous property managers prevent and repair water damage.

ProXpress’s expedited approach to leak investigation, repairs, and proactive planning, complemented by their proficiency in handling emergency façade safety concerns and minor exterior repairs, sets them apart in ensuring building integrity and safety.

Securing Your Property Against Water Infiltration

Ensuring the longevity and safety of a building hinges on effective water infiltration management. Proactively identifying potential problems and timely and expert intervention can significantly mitigate the risks and costs associated with water damage.

ProXpress provides building owners and property managers the assurance they need through dedicated expertise and rapid response. By understanding the signs of water infiltration and engaging with skilled professionals, property managers can protect their buildings from the detrimental effects of water damage. Contact ProXpress today and take your first step towards preventing water infiltration.


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